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- June 1 and 2 _ Pico Jarrio. Vegabaño Shelter. Peña Beza.

June 15 and 16 _ Macondiú, Samelar, San Carlos, Junciana. Andara Refuge. Picu Boru.

- July 6 and 7 _ Peña Vieja. Aliva Hotel. White Tower.

- September 14 and 15 _ Treasurer, Red Horcados. Aliva Hotel. Santa Ana Peak.

- September 28 and 29 _ Arenas, Poncebos. Poncebos Hostel. Cuetón, Arenas

- October 12 and 13 _ Valdominguero, Pica del Jierro, Grajales. Andara Refuge. Picu Boru.

- October 26 and 27 _ Peña Castil. Terenosa Refuge. Peña Main.

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